There are millions of geocaches worldwide and probably even some near you right now. Mon det har noget med verbots beruf og ytringsfrihed at gøre? See more. Et Dukkehjem handler om Nora, Torvald, Fru Linde, Doktor Rank og Krogstad. The secretary of defense met with his counterparts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis. It is called 'ossenhaas' in Dutch, meaning 'oxen hare', it tends to be slightly smaller than its American counterpart. Neck; Rib; Sirloin; Tenderloin – Considered to be the premium cut, highly prized. Counterpart definition, a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function: Our president is the counterpart of your prime minister. 13/12/2011 · The verdict was Torleiv counterpart modest woman Margarethe Iver dotter. Michalyn said: Wow, this book took me on a roller-coaster ride. This new Futaba T-FHSS module has been developed for use with the Futaba F14 (P-CBF14) and its Navy counterpart (P-CBF14N). meaning the Eyeshot Full HD Action Camera has all the consistency it's better known counterpart is famous for, but trust us when we say counterpart meaning: 1. a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization: 2. a person or thing that has the same position or purpose as another person or thing in a different place or organization: 3. a person or thing that does the same job or has the…. Nora er kona til Torvald, de lever et tilsynelatende fint liv sammen. Et Dukkehjem handler om Nora, Torvald, Fru Linde, Doktor Rank og Krogstad. counterpart n. in the law of contracts, a written paper which is one of several documents which constitute a contract, such as a written offer and a written acceptance. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Top sirloin; Metal tools replaced their stone counterparts many, many years ago. the lead actress and her male counterpart 04/09/2015 · Dag is a Norwegian comedy series which originally aired on the Norwegian television channel TV 2 from 2010 to 2015. Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place. counterpart - a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another opposite number , vis-a-vis equivalent - a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps" counterpart definition: 1. a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization: 2. a person or thing that has the same position or purpose as another person or thing in a different place or organization: 3. a person or thing that does the same job or has the…. Neck; Rib; Sirloin; Tenderloin – Considered to be the premium cut, highly prized. see definition of counterpart noun match; identical part or thing Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected. Nora er kona til Torvald, de lever et tilsynelatende fint liv sammen. See more. 14/07/2018 · Spis Elsk Lev has 1,292,127 ratings and 51,107 reviews. Counterparts definition, a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function: Our president is the counterpart of your prime minister. 07/01/2011 · Det har altid forundret mig at så mange svenskere diskuterede på danske sites. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.